Urban Nature Archipel | Wandsculpturen 

Urban Nature Archipel | Tondel Wandsculpturen | DHVR
Urban Nature Archipel | Tondel Wandsculpturen | DHVR

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” – T. S. Eliot.

Missionari (2020)
Tondelhout, pigment, tin – 20 x 7 x 12 (L x B x H)

Missionari Island: Tondelhout, pigment, tin | 2020 DHVR
Missionari Island: Tondelhout, pigment, tin | 2020 DHVR

Mister Postman (2020)
Tondelhout, tin, pigment – 7 x 8 x 5 (L x B x H)

Mister Postman 7-8- 5 Tondelhout, tin, pigment | 2020 DHVR
Mister Postman 7-8- 5 Tondelhout, tin, pigment | 2020 DHVR

Vastberaden (2021)
Tondelhout, pigment, tin, bijenwas – 6 x 9 x 5 (L x B x H)

Vastberaden Tondelhout, pigment, tin, bijenwas 6-9-5 | 2021 DHVR
Vastberaden Tondelhout, pigment, tin, bijenwas 6-9-5 | 2021 DHVR